Boarding School – June 14, 2015

Posted By admin



Now, on the ferry going home for the summer holiday!

Guess what was part of what we talked about?

Deon: Mom, thank you very much for paying for my boarding school. This is the best school experience I’ve had in a very long time.

Me: How do you rank the school?

Deon:  9.5 out of 10.

Wow!  This is the highest he has ever ranked his school.  Seven was all he ever gave the previous ones.  All of a sudden, I felt sure I got my money’s worth and more now! But more importantly, I now really enjoy my relationship with him! He has grown so much and has become so bubbly too. He couldn’t stop sharing his school life with me since the moment he got into the car! :))

I remember the long discussion I had with my BFF, Kam, 2 years ago.  I asked him the pros and cons of a boarding school.  I still recall vividly the 2 things he said.  One – that he believed that while parents do love their child more than anyone else, he was convinced that the professionals at the boarding school would be able to do a better job at teaching the child because of the special trainings they have – teacher, counselor or house parent.  Two – that loving a child to a point of “holding on and protecting him” is easy but loving the child to a point of “letting go” is really tough.  The highest value I have has always been the best for my child and therefore I chose to send him to SMUS despite being criticized by mom for “dumping my son at a boarding school.”

I am so happy that my decision is the right one today given the results I see in Deon today after.  Indeed, I am getting my money’s worth and more!





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