Why I was inspired to be an Entrepreneur…

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Aug. 15/14 – The biggest difference between an entrepreneur and a regular employee is the mindset. A common employee wakes up in the morning with a mind set to work for the whole day and then becomes accustomed to the existing lifestyle.  He thinks of his work only while he  is at work.  He doesn’t need to worry about how to generate income for the company, to worry about marketing, branding and where to get money for the salaries and the overhead expenses.  A lot of them actually like the routine, the pattern and the financial stability of being an employee.  Whereas an entrepreneur’s brain works throughout the day thinking about the business and crossing seamless boundaries to reach the goal.  I think that the road of entrepreneurship is less travelled but for me, it is the most challenging and the most rewarding route.

Ever since I was young, I have always been the person who loves embracing challenges and  converting opportunities to realities.

I’ve always wanted to become an entrepreneur.  Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, it felt natural to be one.   Being born into it, I felt the business sense ingrained in me.  My grandfather was into trading, my father had a shoe factory and my mom was into anything and everything that made money and that made sense:  trading, restaurant, real estate development, etc.

When my mother became a widow at 34 years old with 4 kids aged 6 to 14 years old.  I witnessed how our life was and imagined how it would be if my mother was only working for a fixed salary.  We would have been on welfare living the kind a life style she did not want for us.

So it is not surprising that the skills and passion I had drove me to become an entrepreneur despite my many obstacles. Moreover, my zeal to work and never ending spirit inspired me to work in order to reach my goals. I am not afraid of taking risks, nor am I afraid of failures and starting fresh. When I chose to be a single parent at 24, my mom’s experience became like a staff that I could hold on to.  Emulating her, I chose to be an entrepreneur rather than live on a fixed salary because just like my mom, I wanted to provide the best I could for my children.

To provide for my children in the manner I desire, I must always strive to work up to my full potential. Being an entrepreneur provides you the freedom to control your working hours without hampering the tempo of work.  Entrepreneurship has blurred the lines between my personal passion and work expertise allowing me to actually enjoy what I do.  Entrepreneurship helped me in breaking the fixed income barrier and enhance my income potential.  Being an entrepreneur made me the architect of my destiny and gave the opportunity to lead my life in my own terms.

In essence, I choose to become an entrepreneur because I believe in “you eat what you kill.”




8 thoughts on “Why I was inspired to be an Entrepreneur…

  1. “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, and others make it happen.” Michael Jordan….written for Amy.

    1. It’s never too late to realize you’re an entrepreneur, just recognizing that you have it in your blood is the first step to success. Besides success is measured in many different ways Jeffrey… 🙂

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