Emotional Meter

Posted By admin



emotional meter


I’ve had some people asking me what the numbers after my blogs are.  My answer is this:  It’s my emotional meter, that is, what my emotion is at the time that I am writing a blog.

In 2009, I learned about “emotional range” which is supposedly a science-proven theory.  The shape of this range is “V” and the wider the “arms,” the wider the range of the emotion of the person is.  So that if one experiences an extreme negative emotional status, then that means that he has the capacity to experience the extreme positive emotional status one day.

So that it’s easier for me to “measure” what range I am in at a particular time, I gave the range numbers: with 1 being in the most negative emotional state and 10 being in the most positive state. Five then means the “neutral” state.  These are the numbers that I put after the titles of my blogs.




26 thoughts on “Emotional Meter

    1. Hi Vera,

      Nice to hear from you again. Yes, indeed. Sometimes, the more basic ones are more harder to adapt and adopt to.

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